Friday, November 12, 2004


I wanted to add more to my last entry and removed it instead of just editing it. I didn't think about losing the comments. Duh! Sorry if I deleted your comments.


I'm off today! I won't get to meet with the girls tomorrow and knit, but I am excited about having a day off. I have decided that my new own personal hell is retail during the holidays and I must be getting punished for some past transgressions. Lord please deliver me from evil! I'm sorry!! Haha! I just run into the nicest people during their Christmas and Thanksgiving shopping crazes. I was told yesterday,by a very lovely lady, that if we ran out of a certain item then we should not be allowed to have it in our floral displays anymore. Oh shall we rip it down on Sunday and put it back up on Monday when it comes in?? Let me hop right on that ma'am! Sheesh! Wait this is a knitting blog....

I am going to use my much needed day off to work on the Fairisle Bag. I have dilly dallied (haven't used that phrase in a long time) long enough on it, and I need to get on the ball. All around me in blog land FO's are flying off the needles, and I'm stuck here in WIP land. How am I ever going to be able to play with all my new toys if I don't finish up these projects. So no messing around today. I'm going to put a serious dent in that bag if it kills me. I shouldn't even be typing thi