Friday, December 31, 2004

Happy New Year!

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I wish everyone happiness and prosperity in 2005. I also hope everyone makes it home safe from their New Year's Eve parties. There is another reason tonight is special to me. It also marks my fourth knitting anniversary. Yes this party gal was sitting at home December 31, 2000 teaching herself how to knit. It was my New Year's Resolution, and I didn't want to waste any time getting started. I admit that I haven't give much thought to what my resolutions will be this year. I know for sure that I will resolve to learn something new. I'm not sure if it will be a new knitting technique or what. I would also like to exercise more and keep my house clean. These two were the resolutions I failed to keep last year, but I think I'll give it another shot. I have a new clean slate so there will be no dwelling on past failures darn it! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Oh yeah I almost forgot, Monday's entry will be the very first FaeryCrafty Show N' Tell Day. Make sure you check in to see the beautiful crafty stuff! See ya next year!