Martha Stewart Coming Home Ponchos for Dogs knit and crocheted. I have seen it all. Thanks for the laugh Rachel!
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Another Reason To Like Living In Florida
How cool is it that all I had to do today to see the shuttle launch is walk out my front door and look up! This was the first time I have seen a shuttle launch first hand. Usually I'm glued to the television instead. Sadly the first shuttle launch I remember was The Challenger. I remember all of us kids gathered in the cafeteria at school watching it on television. We didn't quite understand what we were seeing right before the teachers started ushering us back to our rooms. I must say I was a mixture of excited and nervous as I watched the shuttle soar into the sky this morning. I cheered along with all my neighbors as the fuel tanks fell away without incident. It was an amazing sight! I wish that I had pictures for you but my camara battery doesn't charge anymore and there was no way I could have ran a chord that far out.
After it disappeared I went inside to watch the news and knit. I have nearly completed the Sugar N Creme OSW for my sister. Here is the progress along with the magazine Birdsong sent me :) I won a who can email me the fastest contest on her blog! Boy have I been lucky in the contest department lately!! Thanks Birdsong!
Speaking of contests, remember the one I had not too long ago? Diane was the winner of the faeries and they arrived safe and sound in the UK. Click here to go see them :) I think they have found an excellent home. Have a great day everyone!! I'm heading for bed.
Posted by FaeryCrafty at 7/26/2005 11:36:00 PM |
Monday, July 25, 2005
Show N Tell: Rebecca's Entry
Hi Stacie! I knit these mother and daughter hats from a pattern in Last Minute Knitted Gifts. My sister and niece were kind enough to model. I used Manos del Uruguay yarn I love it!
Posted by FaeryCrafty at 7/25/2005 09:23:00 PM |
Labels: Show N Tell
Thursday, July 21, 2005
I'll Insert Myself In It Soon...
This is the first of my One Skein Wonders. I really wanted one in black just for this snazzy dress, and I had some black Red Heart in my stash. This means that I have a super cute shrug for my super cute dress for under two bucks! Pioggia I bet you are so proud of that! You can't really see it because it is black but instead of making the edge ribbed, I went with seed stitch just like the sleeve edges. My sister has requested one in white, and I have already started on it. This pattern is so super easy that I have it memorized already. Actually I had it memorized after the first one. Hopefully I'll manage a picture of me in this pretty soon.
Posted by FaeryCrafty at 7/21/2005 10:19:00 PM |
Labels: Knitting
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Please Don't Hurt Me...
I still don't have a picture of my One Skein Wonder. The last couple of days have been absolutely exhausting and to tell you the truth pictures have been the furthest thing from my mind. I did get an entire day of knitting on Saturday believe it or not and managed to prove a theory of mine. You can in fact knit a One Skein Wonder in a day from start to finish. It's the One Day Wonder! I just knit another one on Saturday with a skein of my Cotton Ease in Bubble Gum pink to go with a cute pink and white dress I have. Now I owe you two pictures! I'm off on Wednesday so keep your fingers crossed for a sunny day. It will be me, the tripod, and timer yet again.
Will a baby picture of Zoe get me out of the dog house or a day or two?? Hehe!
Posted by FaeryCrafty at 7/19/2005 09:32:00 PM |
Monday, July 18, 2005
Show N Tell: Sue's Entry
Good Morning!
First time to do this, but here's an entry for the Show and Tell. I admire all the work you have done to help crochet-ers. Thanks!
This is a shrug that I made for my daughter. I used Lion Glitterspun Bronze (took 3 skeins). I bought the pattern from an E-Bay seller, Diane Langan is the designer. The pattern called for Paton's Brilliant. I used the Glitterspun for a more "solid" looking shrug. I will be making this up in some ribbon (Incredible) shortly - don't know how that will work, but I think it's going to be nice. I am trying to "translate" patterns from numbers of rows and stitches to inches. That way I can adapt almost any pattern to use the multiple yarns and bulky yarns that I love working with. Thanks for having this. I will be sending you my "military" scarves - they're my own design!
Very best to you,
Sue - in the Log House
Posted by FaeryCrafty at 7/18/2005 09:35:00 PM |
Labels: Show N Tell
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Finished But No Pics
My One Skein Wonder is now finished but I have no picture. I know. I know. I'm a tease heehee. Even though I started on this a while ago, I technically only worked on it for three days. This is one seriously fast project. I'm sure someone could easily finish it in one day, if they had the knitting time. It is an extremely easy pattern and it's easy to memorize. I definitely recommend it as a beginner project. Let's just hope I can capture some decent lighting for a picture. It's been quite dreary hear in Florida. Sunshine State? Ummm yeah whatever.
Posted by FaeryCrafty at 7/14/2005 09:58:00 PM |
Labels: Knitting
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
I Won Something!!
Hey you guys I actually won something! One day I was checking my email and this is what I see!
Stacie! You've won a prize -- two hanks of Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock yarn, color denim stripe -- in celebration of my new nephew, Big Mack! Please send me your mailing address so I can get them in the mail to you!
Happy Fourth of July!
I was totally surprised! I have never won a blog contest before. Thanks so much Vicki! The yarn is beautiful and feels so wonderful. It will sure make some comfy socks!
Isn't it pretty. This picture isn't very good unfortunately. Vicki has a much better picture of it on her blog. She also sent this really cute mini sharpie in the package. Thanks again Vicki you made my day.
PS. Don't watch BoogeyMan right before you have to go to sleep. In. The. Dark.
Posted by FaeryCrafty at 7/12/2005 11:26:00 PM |
Labels: Yarn
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Show N Tell: Josh's Entry
Click To Enlarge
Here are some wonderful pencil sketches created by my cousin Josh. I especially like the one he did of Angelina Jolie. The second picture is of one of his dogs that unfortunately passed away, and the third picture is of a highschool friend. Great job Josh! You have some real talent there. Keep up the good work.
Posted by FaeryCrafty at 7/10/2005 10:11:00 PM |
Labels: Show N Tell
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Russian Crochet Patterns
I saw a link to this site on a couple of yahoo groups I belong to. This site has tons of free crochet patterns in Russian. Someone also kindly gave a link to a page that has the translation of Russian crochet terms. You really ought to go check out these patterns. They are Sexaaaay. Ooooh and there are some beyooooooteeeeful shawls and wraps. I think it would be a great challenge to translate and crochet one of these patterns! There are also knitting patterns available and the translation site has the knitting terms as well.
I'm sure you are wondering where the heck is my One Skein wonder and what the heck happened to my X back. Well, I haven't picked up my needles in two days. Unfortunately life has a tendency to get in the way of crafting. Life being a pile of laundry that is growing exponentially and a house that is in a shambles. How does this house get so dirty?? There's only two of us living here! Is someone coming in here while we're sleeping and slinging stuff all over the place? Well I wish their crazy clean freak cousin would come instead. What the heck did that shoe maker do to get those elves to come and make shoes for him while he was sleeping? I have cookies!
I did pick up the needles for a knitting class today. The group consisted of three ladies I had in previous classes. This was a very productive class, and I feel like they are well on their way to becoming bonafide knitters. One of them expressed an interest in knitting a shrug so I gave her the link so that she could buy the One Skein Wonder pattern. I think it would be a wonderful beginner pattern. When I told her about it, she got so excited. Now she has even more motivation to practice her knitting!
Well I'm off tomorrow and I don't feel like cleaning. Hopefully that means I'll put the edging on One Skein Wonder and make a bunch of progress on XBack. I'm also going to be making a trip to the post office to send some faeries to their new home :) Have a great weekend everyone!
Posted by FaeryCrafty at 7/09/2005 10:53:00 PM |
Thursday, July 07, 2005
And The Winner Is...
Diane!!! Hi there Diane! Send me your address and the faeries will be on their way to you :) Thanks to everyone that participated. We have enough Show N Tells to keep us going for a little while longer, and I'm sure I'll offer new incentives in the future. Congrats Diane! I hope that you will like them :)
Posted by FaeryCrafty at 7/07/2005 10:07:00 PM |
Labels: Blog
I Just Don't Understand...
Why this kind of thing happens. I don't even know what to say. I felt the need to write something, anything about this tragedy, but words fail me. I am not the best writer, and I don't have the vocabulary to express the sadness and the outrage I feel. When I saw the headlines I immediately felt the same sinking feeling in my stomach that I did on Sept. 11th and then again with the attack in Madrid. How could people do something so heartless and so horrible? I can hardly squash a BUG and there are people who can squash human life just as easily as they squash a cockroach. How is it that in the year two thousand and freaking five such barbaric and inhumane things can happen? Let's not forget the terrorism in Africa. Terrorism affects them every single day, we just don't see that on the news every time it happens. Don't you wish you could just close your eyes and wish it all away? Don't you feel helpless? All I know to do is pray for all the people affected by this tragedy and offer my deepest most sincere condolences to the loved ones of those that perished.
Posted by FaeryCrafty at 7/07/2005 09:36:00 PM |
Labels: Life
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Last Chance To Enter
Today is your last chance to make an entry for Show N Tell and be included in the contest. All entries recieved up until 11:59 on 7/6/05 will be entered in a raffel to win some cute little beaded faeries like this one.
Any craft is elligible for Show N Tell, and even if you have a blog you can still enter. Also, you can enter more than once. There is no limit on the amount of entries. Just email them to me at faerycrafty at gmail dot com. There have been some wonderful entries so far, and I love seeing all the beautiful things that everyone has made :) The winner will be announced here on Thursday July 7th. See you then :)
Posted by FaeryCrafty at 7/06/2005 10:19:00 PM |
Labels: Show N Tell
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Show N Tell: Veronica's Entry
I am a bear maker and have also begun making dolls this past year. I spent some time this winter just "surfing" around as I was house-bound after carpal tunnel surgery... guess what I did then? Stumbled on Norm's sweet little needle felted bears... I had seen them last year..but lost track of them for awhile. I bought a few... but, then..decided I had to learn to make my own. I also needle felt bears as well as stitching up the mohair much to do and not nearly enough hours in a day hey? Here is my latest little guy ...I want to share him with you for Show and Tell...he is barely 2.75 inches... just over 2 sitting....
Click to Enlarge
His name is Bluebeary Ice.... He is made from lovely soft New Zealand wool that is actually a hank of tri-colour roving... I carefully separated it at the colour change so I could get a one colour bear... then the white is bits plucked from the white mohair that I use for my Poodles and Bichons. I needled it in for the toes and a bit on the ears and other areas where I wanted to add a bit of fuzz or get a softer look. His eyes are onyx beads, the nose is embroidered and he is fully string jointed like my other tiny bears. Hope your readers enjoy meeting the "Iceman" !!
If you would like to see some of my other "stuff"...I do have a Picturetrail site...
Veronica Philion
Calgary, Canada
Posted by FaeryCrafty at 7/03/2005 11:40:00 PM |
Labels: Show N Tell